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Fundraising Projects

Along with the usual extra curricular activities that the PTA helps raise money for, each School year we also have our big fundraising projects that we help improve and fundraise for.

Scroll below to see which projects we are working on for 2023-24 Term.

Kenmont Annex

After setting this our our main goal on 2022 we are happy to announce that our PTA team along with the help and support of Mr Collins and Julie McBride from our local residents groups CONGA, were successful in securing a grant and funding for the renovation of our Annex. In May 2023, HS2 CEF awarded us £75k to go towards the restoration and renovation of our Annex to help it become a community hub for our School, parents and local residents to use. We didn't think we would ever achieve anything so vast in such a short space of time and are forever grateful to everyone who helped in this project, our brand new LBHF Kenmont Community Annex is now open for use! If you wish to hire this space and or want to find out what classes are on offer please visit the link below. The work isn't done yet though, we still need to get some essentials so are raising money this year to help furnish the Annex. Items that we need are, utensils, crockery, cutlery, appliances, tables, chairs, soft furnishing, storage solutions/units. We will be looking to apply for further grants where possible and also asking local businesses to donate whatever they can. If you would like to find out more about this project or offer support then please speak to the School Office, your class rep and or a member of the PTA.

Garden Project

Alongside the Annex Project runs our Garden Project, and like the Annex there is substantial work required. The garden runs along the back and side of the school and for a good few years has been unsafe for use as it has overgrown and has a pond in it that would be dangerous for the children. We are fortunate that one of our School parents is a Horticultural expert and has come on board the PTA team to help us revive the garden and turn into an ecological wonderland for the children and local community to enjoy. Phase One: To dig up the old ground, clear out weeds and dead foliage and to dig up the old pond. Whislt work on this has began we have come to a point where we need further funding to help get industrial machinery to get rid of the bulk of the waste. We will be looking to apply for gardening grants where possible but also to combine this with our Annex project as both as areas that can give back to our local community as well as servicing the School. Phase Two: Once we have secured funding we can go about planning and designing the space how we would like it to be. As with both the Annex & the Garden our desire and aim is to have these both up and running at least by January 2024 but we realise we have the odds stacked up against us in terms of funding. If you have any gardening or funding expertise or simply want to help donate towards this cause then please let us know or alternatively click on the 'Donate Now' button. Every little helps!

Library Upgrade

Kenmont Primary School has a lovely space for it's Library on the top floor of the main School building. The library doesn't currently have a stock management system and is in need of an upgrade with a new book inventory and a more inviting feel for the students. Our goal is to work with the School to reinvigorate the library; increasing the breadth of non fiction book stock, make the books more representative of the diversity of the school community and implement a new book borrowing and management system which is easy for the children and grown-ups alike to use. We will also be inviting parents and local residents to do 1:1 reading sessions to help with reading skills. If you would like to help out with this project or would like to volunteer to read with the students then please get in touch with us or the School Office so that we can have your DBS set up.

Gallery: Gallery
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