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Meet the team

Friends of Kenmont PTA Committee is made up of parent volunteers from across the years who work with the teachers to help with raising extra funds for the School.

Anyone can join to be part of the PTA and we are always on the look out for eager volunteers to help us with our events and school projects. It's a great way to get to know the teachers, school community and other parents and you'll end up making some lovely new friends.

If you have a specific skill, have some free time and would like to join the PTA then please get in touch by either contacting us below, speaking to the School office or speaking to one of the existing members.


Alongside being a PTA member we regularly need Year Group Reps. These are parent volunteers who help keep their Year group informed of all the updates, events and fundraising opportunities that are taking place each term. 

A Year Group Rep will help communicate the messages from the PTA to their respective Year group parents either by managing the Year WhatsApp Group or by word of mouth.

This is a very important role within the PTA as we wouldn't be able to function without the help of our Reps who help with getting us volunteers and spreading our message.

Again if you would like to be a Year Group Rep please get in touch, we are always trying to find more ways to keep all of our parents in the loop and need as many Reps as we can get.

What is required of you?

We realise that everyone has busy lives whether it's working or staying at home to look after little ones and so we don't ask for too much time. However we believe in team work so that we make things easier for all of us and this involves taking part in meetings where possible, helping to set up for events (cake sales, Uniform stalls, coffee mornings, annual events, raffle/ticket sales) and helping to keep our PTA inventory organised. 

We don't expect you to help out all the time but if you are able to help with 2/3 events a term then it means we can put on all the events that we have planned in Term Time.


To join your PTA simply drop us an email on: stating your name, contact number and Year group that your child is in or alternatively speak to Ms Freitas in the School Office who will forward us your details and we will get in touch.

Follow us on Instagram to keep up to date on all our comings and goings @friendsofkenmont

Committee: Meet the Team
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